
Tooltips made easy


Include this CSS style on your website. Note that an attribution is required. View attribution file. Or, if you want, you can always scroll down and choose an CDN to use insead of the full code that is not recomended.





For positioning, use data-tooltip-pos attribute with one of the values:
up, down, left, right, up-left, up-right, down-left, or down-right.

<button aria-label="Whats up!" data-tooltip-pos="up"></button><button aria-label="Whats up!" data-tooltip-pos="left"></button><button aria-label="Whats up!" data-tooltip-pos="right"></button><button aria-label="Whats up!" data-tooltip-pos="down"></button><button aria-label="Whats up!" data-tooltip-pos="up-left"></button><button aria-label="Whats up!" data-tooltip-pos="up-right"></button><button aria-label="Whats up!" data-tooltip-pos="down-left"></button><button aria-label="Whats up!" data-tooltip-pos="down-right"></button>


By default, tooltips will always remain single-line no matter their length. You can change this behavior by using the attribute data-tooltip-length with one of the values: small, medium, large, or fit.

<button data-tooltip-length="small" aria-label="Hi." data-tooltip-pos="up">I'm a medium tooltip</button><button data-tooltip-length="medium" aria-label="Now that's a super big text we have over here right? Lorem ipsum dolor sit I'm done." data-tooltip-pos="up">I'm a medium tooltip.</button><button data-tooltip-length="large" aria-label="What about something really big? This may surpass your window dimensions. Imagine you're in that boring class with that boring teacher and you didn't sleep so well last night. Suddenly you're sleeping in class. Can you believe it?!" data-tooltip-pos="up">I'm a large tooltip</button><button data-tooltip-length="xlarge" aria-label="What about something really big? This may surpass your window dimensions. Imagine you're in that boring class with that boring teacher and you didn't sleep so well last night. Suddenly you're sleeping in class. Can you believe it?!" data-tooltip-pos="up">I'm a Xlarge tooltip</button><button data-tooltip-length="fit" aria-label="What about something really big? This may surpass your window dimensions. Imagine you're in that boring class with that boring teacher and you didn't sleep so well last night. Suddenly you're sleeping in class. Can you believe it?!" data-tooltip-pos="up">My width will fit to element</button>

Disabling animation

If for some reason you do not want animations in your tooltips, you can use the data-tooltip-blunt attribute for that.

<button data-tooltip-blunt aria-label="No animation!"
         data-tooltip-pos="up">No animation!</button>

Showing tooltips programmatically

If you want to show tooltips even when user interaction isn't happening, you can simply use the data-tooltip-visible attribute:

<button data-tooltip-visible aria-label="I am always visible!" data-tooltip-pos="up">Always visible!</button>

The attribute data-tooltip-visible can be easily added via JavaScript (e.g. .setAttribute()), enabling you to show tooltips whenever needed.

Customizing Tooltips

Tooltip.css exposes three CSS variables to make it easier to customize tooltips: --tooltip-color, --tooltip-font-size and --tooltip-move. This way you can use custom CSS to make your own tooltip styles:

/* Add this to your CSS */.tooltip-red{--tooltip-color: red;}.tooltip-big-text{--tooltip-font-size: 20px;}.tooltip-slide{--tooltip-move: 30px;}
<button aria-label="I am red!" class="tooltip-red">I am red!</button><button aria-label="I have big text!" class="tooltip-big-text">I have big text!</button><button aria-label="I move a lot!" class="tooltip-slide">I move a lot!</button>

You can combine classes to achieve multiple customizations. If you want to customize tooltips globally, use the :root selector:

/* All tooltips would now be blue */:root{--tooltip-color: blue;}

Glyphs and Icon Fonts

You can also add any HTML special character to your tooltips, or even use third-party Icon fonts:

<button aria-label="HTML special characters: &#9787; &#9986; &#9820;" data-tooltip-pos="up"></button>
<button aria-label="Emojis: 😀 😬 😁 😂 😃 😄 😅 😆" data-tooltip-pos="up"></button>
<button class="font-awesome" aria-label="Font Awesome: &#xf030; &#xf133; &#xf1fc; &#xf03e; &#xf1f8;" data-tooltip-pos="up"></button>